edgrsprj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > Oh for a newsreader that can eliminate all such ugly excessively
> > cross-posted articles lacking follow-ups.  PLONK thread is the only
> > remaining answer.
> >
> Posted by E.D.G.   June 14, 2006
> In my opinion, even moderated Internet Newsgroups cannot provide the
> necessary control for adequately protected scientific communications.  I
> have in mind the development of a sophisticated Web site based Internet
> Bulletin Board which past experiences indicate to me should work.  The Web
> site running that bulletin board should be of interest to computer
> programmers around the globe regardless of what programming language they
> are using.

Wow. That is an impressive display of.... ummm.... understanding.  :-)

Yes, I guess plonk thread will have to do.

(My news server wouldn't even accept this as a followup until I trimmed
a few of the groups.)

Richard Maine                     | Good judgment comes from experience;
email: my first.last at org.domain| experience comes from bad judgment.
org: nasa, domain: gov            |       -- Mark Twain

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