On 13/06/2006 5:08 PM, John Machin wrote:
> On 13/06/2006 4:11 PM, Girish Sahani wrote:
> [snip]
>>        instance = ti2(k)
>>        tiNew = ti1.append(instance)
> ti2 is quacking "function" but ti1 is quacking "list".
> Possibilities:
> (1) You meant to type ti2[k] ... and this section of code has not yet 
> been executed, and would have featured as episode N+1 had morbid 
> curiosity not led me to read further.
> (2) You have the weirdest system of choosing names that I have seen for 
> decades.
> (3) Both of the above.

Episode N+2:

tiNew = ti1.append(instance)
doesn't do what you think it does:

 >>> foo = [9, 8, 7]
 >>> bar = 'xyz'
 >>> bar = foo.append(42)
 >>> foo
[9, 8, 7, 42]
 >>> repr(bar)


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