sonal wrote:
> Hi Mr. George,
> Sorry for confusing u so much...
> Let me try it again...
>  I am not using any relational database to store the required tables
> with primary keys & foreign keys....
> When I say PRIMARY KEY =>
> 1. It means an index is created on the specified fields
>     (Out of various fields given in the comma separated txt file)
> FileFormat: CODE, FIRST_NAME, last_name, area_of_expertise, country
> Eg:  A1,Harry,George, python, XYZCOUNTRY--------(1st record)
> 2. The index can be formed on a single field or on multiple fields
>     Eg: a. 'CODE' (single field ) {pk_code}
>           b. 'CODE' & 'NAME' (multiple fields ) {pk_code_fname}
What, in Python, *are* these indexes - lists, dictionaries, tuples or 
something else?

> Now when I say FOREIGN KEY =>
> 1. If the foreign Key is formed on the field 'CODE' in another text
> file
>  Format: subsriber_code,CODE,first_name, no_of_posts,active(Y/N)
>  Eg:   SUB_001, A1, Harry, 50, Y
>    This means the CODE (A1) given here is checked in the index formed
> above
>    with primary key: pk_code...
> 2. If the foreign Key is formed on the fields 'CODE' & 'FIRST_NAME'
>     Format: subsriber_code,CODE,FIRST_NAME, no_of_posts,active(Y/N)
>         Eg:   SUB_001, A1, Harry, 50, Y
>    This means the CODE (A1) & FIRST_NAME (Harry) given here
>    are checked in the index formed above with primary key:
> pk_code_fname...
> I am done till here.....
> The problem starts if I have defined an index on multiple fields
> (composite PK)
> say: CODE & FIRST_NAME (pk_code_fname)
> and if I need to define a FK on a single field out of these
> say: CODE
> I am unable to do that...
> Mr. George, I thought i must explain the code i am dealin with,
> for better understanding.., but i am sorry i confused you all the more
> (incase, u want to view the code please refer to the code snippets in
> my first query posted) 
> Thanks & regards,
> sonal
A lot depends on the data structure that the code uses to represent the 
"indexes". Perhaps you could explain how things are looked up in them?

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