Brian wrote:
> I have a question that some may consider silly, but it has me a bit
> stuck and I would appreciate some help in understanding what is going
> on.
> For example, lets say that I have a class that creates a student
> object.
> Class Student:
>     def setName(self, name)
> = name
>     def setId(self, id)
> = id
> Then I instantiate that object in a method:
> def createStudent():
>     foo = Student()

Of course here you'd need an argument to  correspond to the student 
name, but we'll overlook that.

>     /add stuff
This actually looks like a Student "factory function", though I have 
reservations about it (see below).

> Now, suppose that I want to create another Student.  Do I need to name
> that Student something other than foo?  What happens to the original
> object?  If I do not supplant the original data of Student (maybe no id
> for this student) does it retain the data of the previous Student
> object that was not altered?  I guess I am asking how do I
> differentiate between objects when I do not know how many I need to
> create and do not want to hard code names like Student1, Student2 etc.
> I hope that I am clear about what I am asking.
> Thanks,
> Brian
Presumably your definition of createStudent() ends with something like

     return foo

otherwise the created Student object has no references once the function 
complete, and will therefore become non-referenced garbage immediately.

Assuming that createStudent() does indeed return the created Student 
instance then you would use it like this:

s1 = createStudent()
s2 = createStudent()

and so on. Of course there's nothing to stop you creating lists of 
students or dicts of students either. Objects don't really "have names" 
in Python, it's better to think of names being references to objects. 
Each object can be referenced by zero, one or more names, but references 
can also be stored in the items of container objects.

A point you don't appear to have thought of, though, is that all the 
functionality implemented in your createStudent() function could just as 
easily become part of the Student.__init__() method. Then there's no 
need to create a factory function at all - the __init__() method just 
initialises each newly-created instance before you get your hands on it. 
Then your code would be more like

s1 = Student()
s2 = Student()

and so on. Plus, of course, the __init__() method can take arguments if 
they are needed to initialize the object successfully. So I'm not really 
sure quite what createStudent() is for.

Hope this rambling helps at least a bit.

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