On 2006-06-07, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> How do I automatically redirect stdout and stderr when using os.popen2
> to start a long running process.

popen2 does redirect stdout to a file object.  That's the whole
point of using it.  If you don't want a file object that's
connected to the child's stdout, then don't use popen2.

> If the process prints a lot of stuff to stdout it will
> eventually stop because it runs out of buffer space. Once I
> start reading the stdout file returned by os.popen2 then the
> process resumes.  I know that I could just specify > /dev/null
> when starting the process but I'd like to know if there is a
> way to start a process using os.popen2 or some other way so
> that all standard out and standard error goes to /dev/null or
> some other file.

Yes.  Fork a child process then use the standard file
descriptor operators to open /dev/null or some other file and
then dup those file descriptors to stdout/stderr:


Then you can exec the program you want to run:


This is basically identical to the method use to do I/O
redirection in C, so any decent book on C programming under
Unix should have a good explanation.

Hmmm, it looks like it's simpler touse the subprocess module.
Just open /dev/null to get a file descriptor for it, and then
pass that to subprocess.Popen():


Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow!  I selected E5... but
                                  at               I didn't hear "Sam the Sham
                               visi.com            and the Pharoahs"!

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