That a good sized Goldmine database. In past lives I have supported
that app and recall that you could match the Goldmine front end against
an SQL backend. If you can get to the underlying data utilizing SQL you
can selectively port over sections of the database and might be able to
attack things more methodically than parsing through a mongo XML file.
Instead you could bulk insert portions of the Goldmine data into
SugarCRM. Know what I mean?

> The file is an XML dump from Goldmine. I have built a document parser
> that allows for the population of data from Goldmine into SugarCRM. The
> clients data se is 10gb.
> Felipe Almeida Lessa wrote:
> > Em Ter, 2006-06-06 às 13:56 +0000, Paul McGuire escreveu:
> > > (just can't open it up like a text file)
> > 
> > Who'll open a 10 GiB file anyway?
> > 
> > -- 
> > Felipe.


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