Python Experts every where!!

I am having a problem using the logging utility in Python using the logging module from the std. lib. I have written a class SPFLogger which actually should be creating a new logger if one already does not exist. I have given the class I wrote in the end. The problem I  am facing is:

I am creating 2/3 object of this class SPFLogger in 2/3 other classes of mine having different logger name and the handler they will be using. Although the logs are going in a single file which means the logging.getLogger(name) function is getting the same logger which was created earlier and not creating a new logger with new handler. Eventhough the logs are going in a single file the loggers names used are different  which I am passing as an argument.

So for example if I do this first in the init method of class A:

obj1 = SPFLogger ("A", "A.log")
logger1 = obj.getLogger()"Message A") ----> Goes in A.log with logger name A

now class A calls class B so in the init method of class B I have:

obj2 = SPFLogger ("B", "B.log")
logger2 = obj.getLogger()"Message B") ----> still goes in A.log with logger name B ..

Is there something that needs to be done to handle this? Below is the code for SPFLogger class

#!/usr/bin/env python
import logging
import logging.config

class SPFLogger:
class SPFLogger:
       A logger instance will be generated using this class.

       Author: Manish Marathe
       Date Created: June 01, 2006, 15:10:36

    def __init__(self, logger_type, handler_name):
        self.logger_type = logger_type
        self.handler_name = handler_name

    def getLogger(self):
        from os import path

        logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG, format='%(asctime)-s    %(name)-10s %(levelname)-10s %(message)s', datefmt='%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S', filename=self.handler_name, filemode='a+')

        logger = logging.getLogger(self.logger_type)

        if path.exists(self.handler_name):
            if path.getsize(self.handler_name) == 0:
                f = open(self.handler_name, 'a+')
                str = "Date      Time      Logger      Level       Message\n"
                str += "==========================================================================================================================\n"
                print "File does exists"

        return logger

if __name__=="__main__":
    spf = SPFLogger("Test", "test.log")
    testLogger = spf.getLogger()
    testLogger.debug("debug message")"info message")
    testLogger.warn("warn message")
    testLogger.error("error message")
    testLogger.critical("critical message")

Manish Marathe
SpikeSource, Inc.

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