I have a text file in the following format: 1,'a',2,'b' 3,'a',5,'c' 3,'a',6,'c' 3,'a',7,'b' 8,'a',7,'b' . . . Now i need to generate 2 things by reading the file: 1) A dictionary with the numbers as keys and the letters as values. e.g the above would give me a dictionary like {1:'a', 2:'b', 3:'a', 5:'c', 6:'c' ........} 2) A list containing pairs of numbers from each line. The above formmat would give me the list as [[1,2],[3,5],[3,6][3,7][8,7]......]
I wrote the following codes for both of these but the problem is that lines returns a list like ["1,'a',2,'b'","3,'a',5,'c","3,'a',6,'c'".....] Now due to the "" around each line,it is treated like one object and i cannot access the elements of a line. [code] #code to generate the dictionary def get_colocations(filename): lines = open(filename).read().split("\n") colocnDict = {} i = 0 for line in lines: if i <= 2: colocnDict[line[i]] = line[i+1] i+=2 continue return colocnDict [/code] [code] def genPairs(filename): lines = open(filename).read().split("\n") pairList = [] for line in lines: pair = [line[0],line[2]] pairList.append(pair) i+=2 continue return pairList [/code] Please help :(( -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list