
I`m starting to learn python, and I hava a very good background in Java
and C/C++ programming. I was reading Dive into python chapter about
OO and I saw that in python we can do the following:

class Person:

joe = new Person()
joe.name = "Joe"
joe.age = 13

It seems that it is possible to add attributes to any object instance
in run time, as in _javascript_. It seems to me that it can be a source
of errors. One that come in my mind is the follwing:

class Person:
    name = ""

joe = new Person()
joe.nome = "Joe"

The code above adds an attribute called nome,  but the programmer may think it's name.

What is the real interest of this feature ? Is there a way to block this kind of error ?


Miguel Galves - Engenheiro de Computação
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