sam wrote:
> tomer:
> It is my opinion that you would loose performance if the Python
> interpreter had the additional task of verifying byte code. It might be
> more appropriate to have a preprocessor that did the verifying as it
> compiled the byte code.

Possibly.  A good book on the topic is Douglas Hofstadter's 
_Goedel, Escher, Bach: an Eternal Golden Braid_.

Particularly starting from the chapter "Contracrostipunctus".

         Cheers,        Mel.

> Sam Schulenburg
> gangesmaster wrote:
>> the following (random) code crashes my interpreter
>> (python 2.4.3/winxp):
>> from types import CodeType as code
>> exec code(0, 5, 8, 0, "hello moshe", (), (), (), "", "", 0, "")
>> i would expect the interpreter to do some verifying, at least for
>> sanity (valid opcodes, correct stack size, etc.) before executing
>> artbitrary code... after all, it was the BDFL who said """I'm not
>> saying it's uncrashable. I'm saying that if you crash it, it's a
>> bug unless proven harebrained."""
>> -tomer

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