Fredrik Lundh wrote: >> To get better performance, you should be able to use PIL's tostring() >> method together with the QImage(buffer, width, height, depth, >> colortable, numColors, bitOrder) form of the QImage constructor.
I've posted a simple ImageQt interface module for PIL and PyQt4 here: this interface handles 1, P, L, and RGB images efficiently. usage: im = # or some other pil operation qim = ImageQt.toimage(im) # to access the QImage, use qim.image. e.g: label.setPixmap(QtGui.QPixmap.fromImage(qim.image)) note that the toimage() function returns a wrapper object, not a QImage instance. I didn't find a reliable way to subclass from QImage, nor any other way to attach custom attributes to an existing QImage object. if anyone knows how to do that, let me know. </F> --