On 3/06/2006 3:39 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: > I write data to Excel files using PyExcelerator 0.6.3.a and have done > so successfully for small files (10-15 cells). I'm experiencing an > error when writing a big chunk of data (10,000 cells) to Excel. By way > of comparison, the same data writes perfectly well to a csv file using > Python's built in csv module. I run the program in PyScripter, and the > traceback shows the following sequence of calls: > > main (my routine) > writeData (my routine) > save Line 563 > get_biff_data Line 548 > get_biff_data Line 1357 > __row_blocks_rec Line 1276 > get_cells_biff_data Line 200 > get_biff_data Line 106
Grumble: When you need to post a traceback, please supply one that shows on each line which *file* the source line is in. In this case there are multiple files, and 9 classes spread over 4 files have a method called get_biff_data. > > SystemError: frexp() result out of range > > The line it stops at in get_biff_data is the line that starts with > packed = > > def get_biff_data(self): > rk_encoded = 0 > > packed = struct.pack('<d', self.__number) > > Any thoughts on what the problem could be? > It is calling struct.pack (see structmodule.c in the Python source) to encode one of your cell values as an 8-byte little-endian IEEE 754 floating-point number. This task is handed off to _PyFloat_Pack8() (see floatobject.c). Here's the relevant bit: """ if (x < 0) { sign = 1; x = -x; } else sign = 0; f = frexp(x, &e); /* Normalize f to be in the range [1.0, 2.0) */ if (0.5 <= f && f < 1.0) { f *= 2.0; e--; } else if (f == 0.0) e = 0; else { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_SystemError, "frexp() result out of range"); return -1; } """ where x is your cell value as a C double. frexp() is a standard C library routine. The above code is just checking that it has done its job correctly. AFAICT from reading K&R v2 p251, the code is correct. Aside: isn't open source wonderful? Well it is for me. It could be wonderful for you too :-) I'm not an IEEE 754 guru by any means, so I'm guessing your value could be an Inf (infinity) or a NaN (not a number) -- there's no explicit test for those in the code -- or you have stumbled on a value that's a corner case on your platform. Maybe it's -0.0 (zero with the sign bit set). Grumble: When you have a problem like this, you should state what version of Python you are using, on what platform. The line you get when you run Python at the command line is a start e.g. """Python 2.4.2 (#67, Sep 28 2005, 12:41:11) [MSC v.1310 32 bit (Intel)] on win32""" Please tell us this, plus explicitly what OS and what hardware you are running on. OK, now what's this dodgy number?? Unfortunately, the error is happening right at the end of your process, in the workbook save method. The only info about which row/column is buried deep in pyExcelerator. We don't (yet) want to start poking about there ... Try these steps: 1. Search your alternative CSV output file for the text "Inf" or "NaN" (case insensitive). 2. Put some code in your cell write routine to filter the values you are writing: absval = abs(value) SMALL = 0.000001 # depends on what is reasonable for your app LARGE = 10.0 ** 10 # depends ... if not (value == 0.0 or (SMALL <= absval <= LARGE)): print "strange value %r in row=%d col=%d" % (value, rownum, colnum) Then come back and tell us what if anything you've found. HTH, John -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list