I have a strange problem with os.chdir... here is my script that I am
using to edit the filenames of my music library:


from os import *

for artist in listdir(getcwd()):
        print "===ARTIST: "+artist
        for album in listdir(getcwd()):
                print "---ALBUM: "+album
                print "CWD: " + getcwd()
                chdir(album)                       ######ERROR ON THIS
                for string in listdir(album):
                        print "-SONG "+ string
                        if string[-3:] == "mp3":
                            print "CONVERTING "+string+" to
#                            string = string[:string.index(".")]+".mp3"

The dummy file structure that I set up to run this:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/Desktop/Music$ find .

The error I get:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/workspace/PyTest/src/pypack$ python __init__.py
---ALBUM: Album1
CWD: /home/chainlynx/Desktop/Music/AAAAA
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/chainlynx/workspace/PyTest/src/pypack/__init__.py", line
12, in ?
    for string in listdir(album):
OSError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'Album1'

Does anyone know why this is choking?  Clearly, because of the second
chdir(), chdir() can accept variables like this... what am I doing

Thanks in advance,


P.S. Bonus points: is there any way to bash shell script this on the
command line instead (recursively)?


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