Traceback (most recent call last):
File "D:\Programmation\pitney\", line 13, in ?
connection.execute('create table personne(nom varchar)')
AttributeError: gadfly instance has no attribute 'execute'
i'am under windows and i still haven't found the error
here is my code :
import csv,gadfly,fileinput,glob, string, sys, os,unicodedata
print "que voulez vous faire ?\n"
fichA=raw_input("Entrez le nom du fichier a importer : ")
cr = csv.reader(open(fichA),delimiter=";")
connection = gadfly.gadfly()
connection.startup ('pitney','D:\Programmation\pitney\')
cursor = connection.cursor()
connection.execute('create table personne(nom varchar)')
cursor.execute("insert into personne(nom) values('bussiere')")
connection.commit ()
cursor.execute('select * from personne')
print cursor.fetchall()
compteur = 0
for row in cr:
print row[0],row[1]
compteur += 1
print "Dead Parrot"
regards Bussiere