"Ant" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I have been trying to select text in a Text widget programmatically. I
> have been trying the following minimal example:
> #=================================
> from Tkinter import *
> def showgui():
>    win = Tk()
>    area = Text(win, width = 50, height = 20)
>    area.pack()
>    new = """Lots of text here
>    and here
>    and here..."""
>    area.insert("1.0", new)
>    area.tag_add(SEL, "1.0", END)


>    win.mainloop()
> if __name__ == "__main__":
>    showgui()
> #==================================
> The area.tag_add(...) line should - from what I have read in Frederik's
> Intro to Tkinter guide - select all of the text in the text area. It
> doesn't however...

it does, but by default, the selection is only shown for widgets that has the 
board focus.  if you add an explicit focus_set() call, you'll see the selection.



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