Le Vendredi 02 Juin 2006 11:07, feel_energetic a écrit :
> Hi,
>     I already knew how to define a static method of a class( using
> staticmethod() ),but I find there isn't a built-in func to build a
> static field ( something like staticfield() )
>     can anyone help me on this?
>     thanks very much for your help :)
I guess you come from a c++ background, and what you mean by static field is a 
variable shared by all instance of the class, right ?


class toto :

but, you can't assign directly via instances of the class as it will override 
VAL in the instance :

In [2]: t=toto()

In [3]: t.VAL=4

In [4]: toto.VAL
Out[4]: 5

In [5]: t.__dict__
Out[5]: {'VAL': 4}

You must explicitly modify t.__class__.VAL or toto.VAL :

In [8]: t1, t2 = toto(), toto()

In [9]: t1.__class__.VAL = 4

In [10]: t2.VAL
Out[10]: 4


Maric Michaud

Aristote - www.aristote.info
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69004 Lyon
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