Edward Elliott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> John J. Lee wrote:
> > find / -maxdepth 3 -size -100k -type f -exec grep -sli pythonpath '{}' \;
> > 
> > 
> > The minus in '-100k' (meaning "less than 100k") seems to be
> > undocumented, at least on my system.  
> It should be standard in linux man pages, can't speak for other unices:
>    TESTS
>        Numeric arguments can be specified as
>        +n     for greater than n,
>        -n     for less than n,
>        n      for exactly n.
> Maybe you were fooled because it's not directly under the description of
> -size.
Yes, that's right -- thanks.

> > I suppose the -maxdepth is 
> > redundant since I think find searches breadth-first by default.
> ??? maxdepth determines how deep the search will look, not the order the
> search occurs.  Your search only find things within 3 levels of the root,
> unless your directory tree goes no deeper than that (very unlikely) the
> maxdepth can't be redundant.

It can if you hit Control-C as soon as it finds the damn thing :-) --
which is exactly what I would have done, of course.



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