(Flash Demo) Manoj Kumar P wrote: > Hi, > > Can anyone tell me a good python editor/IDE? > It would be great if you can provide the download link also. > > Thank You, > -Manoj- > > > "SASKEN RATED Among THE Top 3 BEST COMPANIES TO WORK FOR IN INDIA - SURVEY > 2005 conducted by the BUSINESS TODAY - Mercer - TNS India" > > SASKEN BUSINESS DISCLAIMER > This message may contain confidential, proprietary or legally Privileged > information. In case you are not the original intended Recipient of the > message, you must not, directly or indirectly, use, Disclose, distribute, > print, or copy any part of this message and you are requested to delete it > and inform the sender. Any views expressed in this message are those of the > individual sender unless otherwise stated. Nothing contained in this message > shall be construed as an offer or acceptance of any offer by Sasken > Communication Technologies Limited ("Sasken") unless sent with that express > intent and with due authority of Sasken. Sasken has taken enough precautions > to prevent the spread of viruses. However the company accepts no liability > for any damage caused by any virus transmitted by this email --