I'm using Python in a scripting environment. The host application would
pass in some objects so that the script can act on it. But there are a
number of things I like to add to every script to make it a decent
environment, for example, setting up exception hook to show error
properly. I tried to factorize this into a module called script_util.
For example:


# host application would pass in objects like window, document, etc.

import script_util

... do something with window, document, etc, ...


import sys

def myExceptionHandler(...):

sys.excepthook = myExceptionHandler
sys.stdout = myOutputPipe

However in order for script_util to work, it needs to have access to
the importer's context to get access to the host objects. Is there
anyway for it to find out? I guess I can do something like:

import script_util

But I like to make something brain dead easy with just the import
statement if possible.

Thank you,



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