On 31/05/2006 5:50 AM, WIdgeteye wrote: > > This PYTHON NG blows to high heaven. Whats worse, the answers I got were > most likely from people who know SQUAT about Python scripting. That's why > they gave me such lame [expletive deleted] answers. > > Idiots.
Kindly refer back to your post of almost two years ago: http://groups.google.com/group/comp.lang.python/browse_frm/thread/46e15fb12e0f297a/d0e5efc00c1b5359?lnk=st&q=author%3A%09WIdgeteye&rnum=17&hl=en#d0e5efc00c1b5359 """Arg! That was it, now I really feel stupid. """ -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list