kbperry schrieb:
> I am not sure if this is the right place for this, but I thought it was
> worth a shot.
> What I want:
> Enter a From: street address and a To: street address, and then specify
> an interval (say every half mile).  Then, I click a submit button, and
> it gives me latitude and longitude points (in order) from the beginning
> of my trip to the end of my trip in 1/2 mile increments.
> I can't seem to find anything to simulate this, and I am not sure how
> to go about coding this either.
> BTW - I have used Yahoo geocoding service (to my delight), and while it
> is a good service, I don't see a way to do this unless we knew every
> street address in 1/2 mile increments.
> Are there any Python modules that would assist with dealing with
> latitude and longitude?
> Can anyone out there help?

The problem is not the latitude/longitude. It would be trivial to 
compute the great circle, thus the length of the trip between A and B 
and divide it in smaller pieces to get 1-mile-distances.

  But unless you own an Aircraft & are important enough to take flights 
the direct route without air traffic control getting mad at you (aka: 
you are George W. Bush or some other bigwig goverment guy), this won't 
do you much good. What you needed would be a vectormap of the streets so 
that you could do route planning. Which is expensive to get.

So I guess you are better off trying to find someone who offers that as 
part of the service.



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