nigel a écrit :
> hi i have wrote an interactive programme,this is a small section of it.
> #This is my first programme writing in python
> s = raw_input ("hello what's your name? ")
> if s=='carmel':
>    print "Ahh the boss's wife"
> if s=='melvyn':
>     print "your the boss's dad"
> if s=='rebecca':
>     print "you must be the wreath woman"
> if s=='gareth ':
>     print "You must be the trucker"
> if s=='carol':
>     print "you must be my boss's mom"

The problem with this code is that:
- it does a lots of useless tests (ie : even if the user enters 
'carmel', all other names will be tested too).
- it doesn't handle the default case (any other name than the one you 
test for)

A minimal amelioration would be to use if/elif/else:
s = raw_input ("hello what's your name? ")
if s == 'carmel':
    print "Ahh the boss's wife"
elif s == 'melvyn':
    print "your the boss's dad"
elif s == 'rebecca':
    print "you must be the wreath woman"
elif s == 'gareth ':
    print "You must be the trucker"
elif s=='carol':
    print "you must be my boss's mom"
else: # default
    print "I'm afraid I don't know you..."

Now this is a little better, but still not very pythonic. We have a nice 
thing in Python named a dict (for 'dictionnary'). It stores pairs of 
key:value - and FWIW, it's the central data structure in Python, so 
you'll see them quite a lot. There very handy for this kind of use case:

greetings = {
     'carmel' : "Ahh the boss's wife",
     'melvyn' : "your the boss's dad",
     'rebecca': "you must be the wreath woman",
     'gareth ': "You must be the trucker",
     'carol'  : "you must be my boss's mom",

name = raw_input ("hello what's your name? ")
print greetings.get(name, "I'm afraid I don't know you...")

> What i was wandering is there a way i can get sound,

Now this is a sound question !-)

>i mean instead of getting 
> it to just print text on my screen i would like my computer to say it.

This depends mostly on your computer and what's installed on it. And 
this is not part of the standard lib AFAIK.

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