On 2006-05-30, TheSeeker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Have you looked into slsnif
> (http://www.dakotacom.net/~ymg/software.html)

FYI, slsnif won't work for any serial program that needs to use
parity, 7 data bits, or any of the modem control/status lines.

Since all of the serial applications I use need to use actual
serial ports, I've never found slsnif to be useful.  It's
really a shame that pty devices don't support the same set of
ioctl calls that tty devices do.

Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow!  World War Three can
                                  at               be averted by adherence
                               visi.com            to a strictly enforced
                                                   dress code!

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