Grant Edwards wrote: > I need to interpolate an irregularly spaced set of sampled > points: Given a set of x,y,z points, I need to interpolate z > values for a much finer x,y grid.
How many x,y,z points do you have? Did you try the fitpack function bisplrep in scipy? It can work well as long as you don't have too many starting points. Here is an example of how to use it from numpy import rand, exp, ogrid from scipy import interpolate x = 2*rand(20)-1 y = 2*rand(20)-1 z = (x+y)*exp(-6.0*(x*x+y*y)) tck = interpolate.bisplrep(x,y,z,s=0,xb=-1,xe=1,yb=-1,ye=1) xnew = r_[-1:1:70j] ynew = r_[-1:1:70j] znew = interpolate.bisplev(xnew,ynew,tck) There is a buglet that is fixed in SVN scipy that means you need to enter xb, xe, yb, and ye manually. -Travis --