Larry Bates wrote: > Something that runs all day in the background is a perfect candidate > for being turned into a Service. That and servicemanager has a good > way of managing the task so that it doesn't take up lots of excess > CPU cycles that a "normal" application would take while sleeping > or unnecessarily looping. Pick up a copy of Mark Hammond's Python > Programming on Win32 book for example services in Python. You could > then start/stop the service with service manager or with net start/ > net stop commands. > > -Larry Bates > > Bell, Kevin wrote: >> Great! And now that it's hiding w/ .pyw, how would I kill it if I want? >> Just log off, or is there a better way? >> >> Kevin >> >> It is possible to get a background process in windows especially with Python-2.4, but it's fairly hard.
try using python where ###### def bgScript(script,scriptArgs): from _subprocess import CreateProcess class STARTUPINFO: dwFlags = 0 hStdInput = None hStdOutput = None hStdError = None class pywintypes: error = IOError import sys exe = sys.executable.replace('n.exe','nw.exe') startupinfo = STARTUPINFO() args = ''.join([' "%s"' % a for a in scriptArgs]) cmd = '"%s" "%s" %s' % (exe,script,args) try: hp, ht, pid, tid = CreateProcess(None, cmd, # no special security None, None, 0, #don't inherit standard handles 0x208, None, None, startupinfo) except pywintypes.error, e: print str(e) if __name__=='__main__': import sys bgScript(sys.argv[1],sys.argv[2:]) ###### if __name__=='__main__': import time for i in xrange(15): time.sleep(1) ###### shoul be running in the background detached from the console. Of course as others point out, the official way to do this stuff is to use all the M$ paraphernalia and have stuff start up at boot time etc etc. -- Robin Becker --