Hello Diez,

Please see below.
> And as you refrain form telling us which OS you are running under one 
> can only be very vague on what to suggest - UNIXish OSes have for 
> example the setguid-bit, sudo springs to mind and under certain desktops 
> there are ways to acquire root-settings (but you need a password then I 
> guess)
> Windows I don't know so much - but there exist the possibility to make a 
> program run under a different user-account.

For Windows, you can use the 'runas.exe' program. But it requires a 
password too.

 From what you wrote, I think that you need to change architecture. You 
should write your own service rather than write tricky programs. This 
way you can develop your own security system, and restrict access to 
specific files/programs. You can write tools that can connect to your 
service. The service program can be ran on the background, with 
sufficient privileges. How does it sound?



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