Thus spoke D H (on 2006-05-25 23:12): > Fredrik Lundh wrote: >> if you don't know how to do things, you don't need to post. > > He already posted ...
Based on your Text, you can (in Perl, of course ;-) extract the Goedel-Number sequence (prime number sequence) of it: use Acme::Goedelize; my $goed = new Acme::Goedelize; my $rant = do { local $/; (<DATA>) }; $rant = ~s/[.\n]//mg; print join "\n", $goed->to_number($rant)=~/(\d{64})/g; __DATA__ He already posted before your post that he made a mistake. You obviously ignored that and invented some argument that he posted with malicious intentions. That better describes most of your thousands of annoying posts. This prints a (64 char blocked) "Version" of your text, which can be retranslated to your text by 'degoedelization'. How'd you do *that* in Python ;-) Regards Mirco f'up c.l.python --