rwr wrote:
> Due to my ignorance exactly what do you mean by "In my case, I had to
> run configure over and over againeach time going through the log
> finding a new missing file, re-install,
> and repeat until the errors stopped." My

In my case, my error log said it couldn't find the file "make".
So I re-installed Cygwin and chose the custom rather than default
install. I had to go through dozens of install options before finding
the make file (it isn't with the compilers).

The configure then got a little further and stopped, complaining that
it couldn't find "m4". So I had to re-install Cygwin again, this time
looking for make and m4.

This process was repeated until the configure ran to completion.

> Why I ask is that I utilized "apt-get install gcc" to install  gcc. Are
> there additional options that are found by appending "--help"?

I don't know, I don't actually use linux. It may be that what you
installed was a default set of options. If so, I have no clue how you
get it to do what you want, I'm suggesting that as a possible place
to look.

> Curiously,
> rwr
> Ps. Thank you for your help and for your time.   :)))


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