The Excel docs are your best bet.  The examples they give
are all MS-specific languages like VB, but most translate
fairly easily to Python.

You can also run makepy on the Excel typelib, which will
generate a file with all the methods, events etc available
thru the Excel object model.

Also, searching this group and the pywin32 mailing list
for "excel.application" turns up a bunch of sample code.


"John Salerno" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Is there anything better to read on how to use this module for working with 
> Office programs? This is not very heartening to 
> read in the official docs:
> -----------------------
> How do I know which objects are available?
> Good question. This is hard! You need to use the documentation with the 
> products, or possibly a COM browser. Note however that 
> COM browsers typically rely on these objects registering themselves in 
> certain ways, and many objects to not do this. You are 
> just expected to know.
> -----------------------
> Yeah, thanks...
> So does this mean that the code can be different each time, or is there still 
> a pre-determined way to refer to things, such as 
> opening Excel, reading a spreadsheet and working with it, etc.? If so, where 
> can I find a list of those objects and methods?
> Thanks. 

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