baalbek wrote:
> David Cuthbert wrote:
> > This does not mean the design itself should be stored as an RDBMS.  As
> > I've stated previously, CAD data (both electrical and, it appears,
> > mechanical) does not lend itself to RDBMS relationship modeling.
> I simply do not agree with this.
> A CAD program (like Autocad) is nothing
> but an advanced database editor: the program loads data from a binary
> file and creates its object (in memory) from the tables that it reads

Hi Baalbek,
Athouh they are database editors, they are not relational database
editors. Relational database engines fit some type of problems but
others have found that RDBMS don't fit CAD data. They are just too slow
and add complexity in mapping the 'natural CAD data formats' to the
RDBMS table format.

- Pad.


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