Paul Boddie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message 
> barbaros wrote:
>> I need to put some dynamic drawings on my web page. More precisely, I
>> need to draw a number of geometric figures (circles, rectangles) which
>> evolve into a graphics windows according to some law (a little bit like
>> the solar system). I need also to have several fields aside the window,
>> where the visitor can change values for several significant parameters
>> (like the mass of each body).
>> Could you please suggest a solution (preferably not involving hundreds
>> of lines of code) ? The computations should be performed on the client
>> machine.
> In the context of recent Flash-related discussions and the usage of
> open Web standards, I searched for 'animation SVG "solar system"' and
> discovered this example:
> Sadly, it only works in Opera amongst the browsers I have.

It also works under IE6, using Adobe's SVG Viewer 3.0



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