George Sakkis wrote: > Em Dom, 2006-05-21 às 17:11 +0200, Heiko Wundram escreveu: >> for node in tree if node.haschildren(): >> <do something with node> >> >> as syntactic sugar for: >> >> for node in tree: >> if not node.haschildren(): >> continue >> <do something with node> [snip] > > 2) "There should be one and preferably only one way to do it."
You mean like this: s = "foo" + "bar" s = 'foo' + 'bar' s = 'foo' 'bar' s = '%s%s' % ('foo', 'bar') This one and only one way stuff is overrated. I don't care how many ways there are as long as: 1. at least one way is intuitive 2. every way is easily comprehendible (readable, no side effects, etc) Now 'one way to do it' is a good mantra for keeping language complexity down and achieving the second goal. But it needs to be flexible. The proposed syntax is short, intuitive, and consistent with comprehension/generator syntax. I'd say it's entirely in keeping with a number of rules which trump 'one way': Beautiful is better than ugly. Flat is better than nested. Readability counts. Special cases aren't special enough to break the rules. (proposal eliminates the current special case for comprehensions/generators) -- Edward Elliott UC Berkeley School of Law (Boalt Hall) complangpython at eddeye dot net --