For a start, >>> 22002496167782427386022437441624938050682666541682 & 0xffffffffL 67560050L >>> so you could just do that at the end. But you don't really want to be carrying all that rubbish around, getting longer and longer each time around the loop. And let's further the translation into Python by getting rid of the xrange gizmoid and a few other undesirables:
# tested on your 1 test value def CalcCRC16v2(astr): # don't shadow str() # global gCRC16Table # don't need this crc = 0xFFFFL # start as a long for c in astr: crc = gCRC16Table[((crc >> 8) & 255)] ^ ((crc & 0xFFFFFF) << 8) ^ ord(c) return crc That should get you going. Although the whole calculation will be done with longs instead of ints, the longs will never exceed 32 bits so it shouldn't be too slow. HTH, John --