Roger Miller a écrit : > The basic problem is that the zipfile interface only reads and writes > whole files, so it may perform poorly or fail on huge files. At one > time I implemented a patch to allow reading files in chunks. However I > believe that the current interface has too many problems to solve by > incremental patching,
Yeps, that was the general tone of some thread on python-dev. And from what I saw of the source code, it may effectively not be the cleanest part of the stdlib. But what, it does what it was written for at first : provide working support for zipped packages. > and that a zipfile2 module is probably warranted. > (Is anyone working on this?) Seems like Bob Ippolito was on the rank, but I guess you'll get better answers on python-dev. > In the meantime I think the best solution is often to just run an > external zip/unzip utility to do the heavy lifting. Indeed !-) But while having zip/unzip installed OOTB on a unix-like system is close to warrented, it may not be the case on Windows. --