The follllowing code lifted from Mark Hammond Pywin32 code shows and example of calling the Windows Kernel32 GetTickCount(),using PyW32_BEGIN_ALLOW_THREADS and PYW32_END_ALLOW_THREADS. My Code does not use this,but uses SetThreadAffinityMask(GetCurrentThread(),1). My questions are:
1) What is the difference? 2) What happens after I leave my function, to the previous threads that I may have had running? 3) Should I be using the BEGIN/END ALLOW_THREADS? / @pymethod string|win32api|GetTickCount|Returns the number of milliseconds since windows started. static PyObject * PyGetTickCount(PyObject * self, PyObject * args) { if (!PyArg_ParseTuple (args, ":PyGetTickCount")) return NULL; PyW32_BEGIN_ALLOW_THREADS DWORD count = GetTickCount(); PyW32_END_ALLOW_THREADS return Py_BuildValue("l",(long)count); } Now my code uses the Microsoft "SetThreadAffinityMask(GetCurrentThread(),1)" // // PROGRAMMER: Samuel W. Schulenburg // DATE: May 18,2006 // // FUNCTION: double dMyClock() // // DESCRIPTION: This function will return the seconds since the system was started // as a double. If a call to QueryPerformanceFrequency() returns a true // then QueryPerformanceCounter() will be used else the standard 'C' // dMyClock() function will be used. // // PARAMETERS: None // // RETURN: double The seconds passed sense the system was started // double dMyClock() { double dLow; double dHigh; if(iPerformanceClocks == 1) // if the hardware supports the high performance clock { SetThreadAffinityMask(GetCurrentThread(),1); QueryPerformanceCounter(&liPerformanceCount); dLow = (double)liPerformanceCount.LowPart; dHigh = (double)(liPerformanceCount.HighPart)*(4294967296.0); return((dLow+dHigh)/dTicksPerSecond); } else // use the standard C clock function return((double) (clock()/dTicksPerSecond)); } --