Edward Elliott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Terry Hancock wrote:
>> But the real point is that no one here can make
>> any reasonably objective assessment of whether your "data" is
>> meaningful unless you post examples.  That's what creates the
>> hostility, I think.
> Fair enough.  But see my other posts on why I'm not interested in
> objective assessments of my code.  For inquiries into real-world code,
> it's enough to believe that I'm not lying, e.g. that I have the
> programs and ran the tests described.  The actual file contents are
> almost irrelevant.  Nothing one can say about my code tells us
> anything about typical code in the wild. Producing more data points
> _will_ tell us that.  If my data are an outlier, they may be worthless
> anyway. 
> That's what I'm interested in.  Others are interested in analyzing my
> code. Which is fine, it's just not what I'm after.

In that case I think it's safe to say that a majority of Perl code out in 
the wild is extrememly badly coded. Just download 10 free Perl CGI scripts 
to see my point. 

I wouldn't be amazed if this is not the case for Python, or at least way 

But be very carefull to draw any conclusion out of this :-D.

John                               MexIT: http://johnbokma.com/mexit/
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