Am Donnerstag 18 Mai 2006 22:13 schrieb Raymond Hettinger: > This is a false optimization. The slicing steps are O(n) and the sort > step is O(n log n) unless the data has some internal structure that > Timsort can use to get closer to O(n). > > If you implemented this and timed in it real apps, I would be surprised > to find that the slice extraction and assignments were the performance > bottleneck. IMO, a worthwhile performance gain is unlikely.
I personally wouldn't find this to be a false optimization, at least not memory-wise. If you sort really large lists, and only want to sort part of the list, the memory gains of not having to do a slice should be enormous, and there should be some time-gains too. And, additionally, implementing this (if I understand timsort correctly, just had a look at the sources) isn't hard. Rather, I'd pose the usage question: why are you only sorting a part of a list? lists are basically meant for homogenous data. And sorting only a part of that should be a pretty meaningless operation, mostly... Anyway, I've just written up a patch to extend sort() with a start/stop parameter (which behaves just like the default slice notation). Generally, this will make sort() setup slightly slower in the "standard" case (because there's some more pointer arithmetic involved, but this should be negligible, and is O(1)), but for the actual use case, the following numbers can be seen: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~/mercurial/python-modelnine $ ./python New average time: 13.7254650593 ms per loop Old average time: 14.839854002 ms per loop [10198 refs] [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~/mercurial/python-modelnine $ This is just a very, very simple test (testing the case of a list with one million entries, where 99000 are sorted): >>> from random import randrange from time import time x = [randrange(256) for x in xrange(1000000)] timesnew, timesold = [], [] for reps in range(1000): y = x[:] timesnew.append(time()) y.sort(start=1000,stop=10000) timesnew[-1] = time() - timesnew[-1] for reps in range(1000): y = x[:] timesold.append(time()) y[1000:10000] = sorted(y[1000:10000]) timesold[-1] = time() - timesold[-1] print "New average time:", sum(timesnew), "ms per loop" print "Old average time:", sum(timesold), "ms per loop" >>> I'll post the patch to the SF bugtracker tomorrow, it's too late today for me to review it, but generally, I wouldn't find it to be a bad addition, if there's actually a general use case to only sort parts of a list. --- Heiko. --