Registration for Europython (3-5 July) at CERN in Geneva is now open, if you feel submitting a talk proposal there's still time until the 31th of May.
If you want to talk about a library you developed, or you know well and want to share your knowledge, or about how you are making the best out of Python through inventive/elegant idioms and patterns (or if you are a language guru willing to disseminate your wisdom), you can submit a proposal for the Python Language and Libraries track """ A track about Python the Language, all batteries included. Talks about the language, language evolution, patterns and idioms, implementations (CPython, IronPython, Jython, PyPy ...) and implementation issues belong to the track. So do talks about the standard library or interesting 3rd-party libraries (and frameworks), unless the gravitational pull of other tracks is stronger. """ The full call and submission links are at: Samuele Pedroni, Python Language and Libraries Track Chair --