glomde schrieb: > i I would like to extend python so that you could create hiercical > tree structures (XML, HTML etc) easier and that resulting code would be > more readable than how you write today with packages like elementtree > and xist. > I dont want to replace the packages but the packages could be used with > the > new operators and the resulting IMHO is much more readable. > > The syntax i would like is something like the below: > > # Example creating html tree > > '*!*' is an operator that creates an new node, > '*=*' is an operator that sets an attribute. > > So if you take an example to build a smalle web page > and compare with how it looks with in element tree now > and how it would look like when the abover operators would exist. > > With element tree package. > > # build a tree structure > root = ET.Element("html") > head = ET.SubElement(root, "head") > title = ET.SubElement(head, "title") > title.text = "Page Title" > body = ET.SubElement(root, "body") > body.set("bgcolor", "#ffffff") > body.text = "Hello, World!" > > > > With syntactical sugar: > > # build a tree structure > root = ET.Element("html") > *!*root: > *!*head("head"): > *!*title("title): > *=*text = "Page Title" > *!*body("body"): > *=*bgcolor = "#ffffff" > *=*text = "Hello, World!" > > > > I think that with the added syntax you get better view of the html > page. > Repeating things dissapears and you get indentation that corresponds to > the tree. > I think it is very pythonic IMHO. > > It could be done quite generic. If the variable, object after '*!*' > must support append > method and if you use '*=*' it must support __setitem__ > > Any comments?
It's ugly, and could easily achieved using the built-in tupels, lists and dictionaries together with a simple traversing function. Like this (untested): class Node(object): def __init__(self, value): self.value = vallue self._childs = [] def append(self, child): self._childs.append(child) t = ('root', ('child1, ('grandchild', ()), 'child2', () ) ) def create_node(t): value, childs = t n = Node(value) if childs: for ch in childs: n.append(create_node(ch)) return n IMHO that tuple-based tree is waaay more readable than your proposal - and no need to come up with new syntax. Diez --