Larry Bates wrote: > [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: > > I'm new to Python and want to contruct a "lookup table" which would be > > similar to a spreadsheet in that a value is read along the first > > column, then along the top row, and the intersection of the two gives a > > value that is hard-coded, i.e. not mathmatically related. An example > > would be a table with HEIGHT in the first column, WEIGHT in the first > > row, and estimated SUITSIZE with the body of the table. > > > > Which Python type would be most appropriate and/or efficient? > > > > thanks > > > I would not worry about being "efficient" at this point. There are not > enough combinations of height/weight to make even a linear search through > a list be a performance problem. One way would be to set up a dictionary > that is keyed on height/weight and have it return suit size. To work > properly you would need to express height in inches and weight in pounds > (in US measurements). Something like: > > hwdict={(60, 80): <suite size for 5 ft 0 inch person weighing 80 lbs>, > (61, 80): <suite size for 5 ft 1 inch person weighing 80 lbs>, > (62, 80): <suite size for 5 ft 0 inch person weighing 80 lbs>, > . > . > . > (88, 400): <suite size for 7 ft 4 inch person weighing 400 lbs>} > > This would be fast because lookup would consist of only (not tested): > > try: suitsize=hwdict[(heightininches, weightinpounds)] > except IndexError: > print "height/weight combination not found in lookup table" > > > -Larry Bates
thanks...much appreciated --