> I dont want the caller to call import but a function. come again?
>>> type (__builtins__.__import__) <type 'builtin_function_or_method'> I didnt mean that __import__ isnt a function, but that I want to make a function called ImoprtFile that actually does something very similar that what __import__. So to rephrsase the questin how does __import__ load a module into the callers namespace. Example: file1 def ImportFile(fileName): parsedCode = Parser(fileName).Parse() module = new.module(name) exec parsedCode in module.__dict__ sys.modules[name] = module import name #!!!!!!! This doesn't work. Imports in file1 namespace!!!!! file2 import file1 file1.ImportFile(fileName) fileName.function() #This wont work because the import happened locally in file1!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now the import in file1 doesnt take effect in file2. So what do I have to do to make that work. And I dont want to do a custom hook to import. So how does __import__ do? -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list