vduber6er escribió:
> First off this is in unix.
> I have a C file that has python embedded in it.  In the script I have
> the following
> PyRun_SimpleString(code);
> where
> code = "import mymodule"
> however I get this error
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "<string>", line 1, in ?
> ImportError: No module named mymodule
> Object not found
> Segmentation fault
> If i just run python from my local path then type "import mymodule" in
> the python prompt this is fine.  I'm guessing when I am embedding my
> python script in the C code the local directory is no longer the
> directory where my C code resides.  How can i tell python to load the
> module from my current local directory?  
Try adding the directory where your mymodule module lives to the 
PYTHONPATH environment variable before running your c program.

Marcelo Ramos
Fedora Core 5 | 2.6.16
Socio UYLUG Nro 125


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