On 2006-05-10, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> So to make sure that no other software is involved we took the
> PC with the problem, reset the BIOS to its defaults (which
> also enables hyper-threading) and installed Windows XP
> Professional (SP2) on it (but no further driver software,
> etc).  We accepted all defaults during the installation.
> Once Windows XP was running we installed Python downloaded
> from (and accepted all defaults during the installation):
> http://www.python.org/ftp/python/2.4.3/python-2.4.3.msi
> And we then ran our Python test program and it hung after less
> than 15 minutes!
> We are now contacting the company that puts that PC together
> for further advice.

You might want to run some memory tests. I don't see why
hyperthreading would make a difference, but running the test is
dead simple: download the ISO image, burn a CD, boot from the
CD, come back in a day or two:


Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow!  Does that mean
                                  at               I'm not a well-adjusted
                               visi.com            person??

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