Hi ! Py2.4, Win32.
I need to optimize a program that have a speciality: hash (MD5/SHA1) the file contents (many files). Now I do this in a simple python program, because (what a pity) the FSUM utility died in a file with unicode filename... (It is unknown error: I used alternate file name, but it not found). And FSUM have some problematics with it's parameterizing. So now I want choose the best solution to get hash values: 1.) Creating pyshamd5.exe with py2exe and python, and call this program with CreateProcess and Params ? 2.) Creating pyshamd5.exe with py2exe and python, and call this program with popen - use pipes ? 3.) Using external utility ? 4.) Other things ? So I want to avoid the passive times like "many process starting and ending", "many file operation", etc. Need to use unicode filenames, so the outer program can handle these files (alternate file names ?). I "send" the filename to the subprocess, and it is send the hash results (or error codes) to my main process. Pipe good for this, but PIPE-s are sync. (synchronous) things. For sync. things I need threads. If I use subprocess.Popen object, it is better, because I not use threads (I can use poll to get return code) - I can manage the subprocesses from onethreaded code (from main thread). (I need more process, because it speeding up my hashing. If I have one ISO, the hashing of this file block all operations in one thread/process. A multiprocessor code can hash more files in one time.) So: I need a solution that not need multithreading chaos, where I can poll my processes. Better, If I have persistent suprocesses, because I avoid starting/ending "neutral gear" of subprocesses. The working in pseudocode: while HaveAnyFile or HaveOpenedProcesses: if not Processes: CreateProcess(MaxProcesses) if HaveUsableProcesses: fn=GetNextFile if fn: SendToSubProcess(fn) PollProcessesAndStoreResults() The questions 1.) Do you know a "method" that can send/receive datas to/from presistent subprocesses without blocking ? 2.) Do you know command line to just like FSUM that can compute file hashes (MD5/SHA1), and don't have any problems with unicode alt. file names ? 3.) PIPE-s better than CreateProcess(params) ? Important: the sockets are unavailable in this project. I don't use them, because users forbid to me. Thanks for any help: dd __________________________________________________________________ Python mailing list Levelcim: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Webfelulet: https://lists.fsn.hu/mailman/listinfo/python Web oldalak: http://www.python.hu vagy http://www.python.org Állományba menteni | Nem biztoságos képek elrejtése Delete & Prev | Delete & Next Move to: -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list