PHP and Python are different languages. They do things differently. You
are just familiar more with one than the other. Give it some time.

The many file approach is the modular design of Python. Having the
standard library separate from the main Python DLL is an advantage, not
a disadvantage. For example, it allows me to pick just the libraries I
want to distribute when I make a single file executables. It allows me
to distribute just the parts of the standard library I want when I
embed Python in another application. Not to mention being able to debug
right into the source.

Most languages take the Python approach. Have you looked at your C
compiler and counted the include and library files? Have you seen Perl
or Ruby to check how their library is distributed? I can think of only
a few languages that take the PHP approach... early BASIC interpreters,
Shells, DSLs and some lesser known interpreters and compilers... none
of which are exactly reputed to be flexible.

How is manually copying files and editing configuration files easier
than clicking through standard distutils installers or typing "setup
install" or better ... using eggs through EasyInstall? BTW, you can
manually copy Python libraries too in most cases to install and PEAR
does offer a package manager for PHP.

Installation has never been a problem for me with Python, if not the
easiest. In fact, among the languages I regularly use, Python is the
only one that includes installer support right in the standard library
(distutils) and I find it surprising that you managed to find it
wanting all because there are more files :-).


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