
Thanks for the feedback.  I've done what you said, except for deleting
the EXEs.  While people on this forum can figure out how to get them to
work with just the source, most people will be better off with the
installers.  I also added screen shots to each of the programs.

I am especially interested in improving CocoRename.  I think that it
would be nice to add wild cards, regular expressions, incremental
digits for the filenames, etc, I just haven't had the time.  I ran it
on Linux a while back using KDE's equivalent of "Send to", "Service
Menus", and was blown away by how much better it worked than on
Windows.  So, I think it has potential.

I don't think that there is a GUI for 7Zip on Linux yet, so 7Squeeze
could be used until a more complete version appears.  However, since it
is only a wrapper for the command line version of 7Zip I think I would
have to include some way to capture all the relevant information that
the program normally sends to the terminal.  Currently, starting
7Squeeze from a terminal is actually better on Linux because you get to
see the feedback.  So, I think it needs a little work.  However, I do
think that 7Squeeze's Squeeze and UnSqueeze features are standout
features.  I hope some will give it a try.

Any way, I am interested in any improvements any one can make to this
programs.  And of course, I would love to know if any one finds them


Terry Reedy wrote:
> "RM" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > I had been thinking of releasing some of my little personal apps for a
> > while. So, this finally motivated me to clean them up enough for
> > release. The website is not yet finished, but I couldn't wait to share
> > with you these little Python programs. I have packaged them nicely for
> > Windows using py2exe and InnoSetup.  Unfortunately, I haven't had the
> > time to do the same for Linux.  I plan to that soon.  You can get them
> > here.
> >
> > http://rmcorrespond.googlepages.com/customsoftware
> >
> > I have been using them for several years, but never got around to
> > releasing them. Any way, I hope you like them. Oh, they are all
> > licensed with the GPL, but for now, since I don't yet have a way to
> > track downloads, I am only making the source available upon request. If
> > you have any questions or suggestions let me know.
> Since you asked: delete the .exes and release the source and give a link to
> python.org for anyone who does not have it already installed.  Since I
> already have at least two versions of Python installed, I don't need four
> more copies.  Since I have no reason to trust that you are not distributing
> malware, I would not touch your .exes anyway.  Python is really meant for
> source distribution.
> Terry Jan Reedy


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