Through Wine maybe ?


Dennis Lee Bieber wrote:

> On 4 May 2006 09:57:15 -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] declaimed the
> following in comp.lang.python:
>> I am using python on a linux terminal.
>> I want to shutdown a remote windows box. I found a script which does
>> something like this. My question is can we use windows libraries in
>> linux as follows ....
>> import win32api
>> import win32con
>> import win32netcon
>> import win32security
>> import win32wnet
> That set... HIGHLY UNLIKELY... They all rely upon having the M$
> kernel DLLs available...
> Now, if the remote box is running a telnet server, you might be able
> to telnet over (logging in as the boxes admin account) and initiate a
> shutdown from it... (I seem to have a "shutdown.exe" on my system).
> --
> Wulfraed      Dennis Lee Bieber               KD6MOG
> HTTP://
> (Bestiaria Support Staff:             [EMAIL PROTECTED])
> HTTP://


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