Hi there everyone I'm trying to figure out the best (and fastest way) to display a JPEG image and then input several (x,y) coordinate pairs from mouse clicks on the image.
I figured out how to do this in pylab using matplotlib as follows: img = 256 - S.misc.pilutil.imread('pic1.jpg') P.imshow(img) P.connect('button_press_event',click) P.show() The function click() gets the coordinates form the event.xdata and event.ydata, but this is very slow and cumbersome. The other option I was looking at was using wxPython - a staticbitmap with EVT_LEFT_DOWN or something like that. But I'm struggling to get this to work. Please take into account that my end product will have to have a full GUI. Is there some other package I can use? Or am I missing some part of wxPython that can do this? Wynand -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list