Gary Wessle wrote:

> I am having an issue with this match
> tx = "now 04/30/2006 then"
> data = re.compile('(\d{2})/\1/\1\1', re.IGNORECASE)
> d =
> print d
> Nono
> I was expecting 04/30/2006

really?  your pattern matches two digits, followed by a slash, followed
by a byte with the ASCII value 1, followed by a slash, followed by two
bytes with the ASCII value 1.

    >>> '(\d{2})/\1/\1\1'

in case you meant to write


(which is the same thing as '(\\d{2})/\\1/\\1\\1')

it's still not close; that pattern matches two digits, followed by a slash,
followed by the *same* two digits, followed by a slash, followed by the
same two digits, followed by the same two digits.

in other words, dates like 20/20/2020 and 12/12/1212.




> what went wrong?

(insert obligatory jwz quote here)



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