"[EMAIL PROTECTED]" wrote: > Can someone tell me of a good algorithm to partition a set of n > elements into m non-empty, disjoint subsets, where each subset has > size k?
and later wrote in a separate post > Also, if I do not care about the number of subsets, what is a good > algorithm to partition a set of n elements into non-empty, disjoint > subsets of size k? and then execrably wrote [ie, top-posted]: > Not quite what I'm looking for. I would like a list of all partitions > with each partition having k or less elements, not just one instance. when Aaron Watters wrote: > Something like this, or am I missing something? > > def partition(List, n, m, k): [snip Watters' program to partition set of n elements into m non-empty disjoint subsets, each of size k] So if n=3 and k=2 and set S={a,b,c}, you would want a list like the following? 1. {a},{b},{c} 2. {a,b},{c} 3. {a,c},{b} 4. {b,c},{a} So it appears you need to do 2 things - (1) Produce a list of additive partitions of n with numbers not exceeding k. In the S={a,b,c} example, the list contains (1,1,1) and (2,1). I think you can make the list with work O(T(n,k)). For values of T(n,k) (ie, "number of partitions of n in which the greatest part is k, 1<=k<=n") see http://www.research.att.com/~njas/sequences/A008284 . (2) For each list from (1), fill in elements from S into each of the subsets, in canonical order. (Eg, after filling in (1,1,1) to make {a},{b},{c}, don't produce {a},{c},{b} etc.) See a combinatorial algorithms book, eg Reingold, for this part. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/013152447X/104-5966364-8396722?n=283155 -jiw -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list